F-Secure Uninstallation Tool 64 bit Download for PC Windows 11
F-Secure Uninstallation Tool
by F-Secure - Freeware
F-Secure Uninstallation Tool Download for Windows PC
F-Secure Uninstallation Tool free download for Windows 11 64 bit and 32 bit. Install F-Secure Uninstallation Tool latest official version 2025 for PC and laptop from FileHonor.
Uninstallation Tool that completely removes F-secure products.
F-Secure Uninstallation Tool removes the following from your computer:
F-Secure SAFE (17.x, 16.x, 15.x)
Computer Protection 17.1
F-Secure SAFE Beta (fs protection)
How to remove F-secure using F-Secure Uninstallation Tool
- Log on to your computer with administrator rights.
- Download the Uninstallation Tool for Windows from our Support Tools page.
- Run the executable FsUninstallationTool.exe. The User Account Controls appears.
- Click Yes.
- Click Start.
- Select the products or components that you want to remove, and click Next to initiate the uninstallation process.
- Click Restart when prompted. This is to remove remaining files. The uninstallation is complete when your computer restarts.
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Full Technical Details
- Category
- Tools
- This is
- Latest
- License
- Freeware
- Runs On
- Windows 10, Windows 11 (64 Bit, 32 Bit, ARM64)
- Size
- 2 Mb
- Updated & Verified
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Download and Install Guide
How to download and install F-Secure Uninstallation Tool on Windows 11?
This step-by-step guide will assist you in downloading and installing F-Secure Uninstallation Tool on windows 11.
- First of all, download the latest version of F-Secure Uninstallation Tool from filehonor.com. You can find all available download options for your PC and laptop in this download page.
- Then, choose your suitable installer (64 bit, 32 bit, portable, offline, .. itc) and save it to your device.
- After that, start the installation process by a double click on the downloaded setup installer.
- Now, a screen will appear asking you to confirm the installation. Click, yes.
- Finally, follow the instructions given by the installer until you see a confirmation of a successful installation. Usually, a Finish Button and "installation completed successfully" message.
- (Optional) Verify the Download (for Advanced Users): This step is optional but recommended for advanced users. Some browsers offer the option to verify the downloaded file's integrity. This ensures you haven't downloaded a corrupted file. Check your browser's settings for download verification if interested.
Congratulations! You've successfully downloaded F-Secure Uninstallation Tool. Once the download is complete, you can proceed with installing it on your computer.
How to make F-Secure Uninstallation Tool the default Tools app for Windows 11?
- Open Windows 11 Start Menu.
- Then, open settings.
- Navigate to the Apps section.
- After that, navigate to the Default Apps section.
- Click on the category you want to set F-Secure Uninstallation Tool as the default app for - Tools - and choose F-Secure Uninstallation Tool from the list.
Why To Download F-Secure Uninstallation Tool from FileHonor?
- Totally Free: you don't have to pay anything to download from FileHonor.com.
- Clean: No viruses, No Malware, and No any harmful codes.
- F-Secure Uninstallation Tool Latest Version: All apps and games are updated to their most recent versions.
- Direct Downloads: FileHonor does its best to provide direct and fast downloads from the official software developers.
- No Third Party Installers: Only direct download to the setup files, no ad-based installers.
- Windows 11 Compatible.
- F-Secure Uninstallation Tool Most Setup Variants: online, offline, portable, 64 bit and 32 bit setups (whenever available*).
Uninstall Guide
How to uninstall (remove) F-Secure Uninstallation Tool from Windows 11?
Follow these instructions for a proper removal:
- Open Windows 11 Start Menu.
- Then, open settings.
- Navigate to the Apps section.
- Search for F-Secure Uninstallation Tool in the apps list, click on it, and then, click on the uninstall button.
- Finally, confirm and you are done.
F-Secure Uninstallation Tool is developed and published by F-Secure, filehonor.com is not directly affiliated with F-Secure.
filehonor is against piracy and does not provide any cracks, keygens, serials or patches for any software listed here.
We are DMCA-compliant and you can request removal of your software from being listed on our website through our contact page.